
Thursday, November 22, 2012


Sometimes I think we should have Thanksgiving a couple of times a year. No, it isn't that I have a vendetta against turkeys or enjoy pumpkin pie THAT much. But  . . . the world seems to take a deep breath and focus on what each one of is grateful for, and that is something we could all use way more of, right? (Black Friday, on the other hand, we could use a lot LESS of.)
So, joining in the ranks of those who are taking a moment for what they are grateful for, here are mine. Yeah, they are redundant--mostly the same things I am grateful for every year, but no less sincere.
1. My husband--30 years together and still going strong. Cannot imagine a day without him making me laugh, driving me somewhere, giving me his hat when it's raining, keeping up with the laundry, groping me at night, and making me feel loved every single moment.
2. My kids--all four of them are delightful people who have made the world a better place for being in it. Nicole is far away, but coming home in time for Christmas. I am relieved to say that 7500 miles did nothing to dim our friendship. And these two boys--they are handsome, funny, and amazingly kind.
3. My work--demanding, exasperating, never ending, and yes, I am so grateful for each assignment. I have been hired by so many new companies this year, I lost track. I am often steeped in assignments that are difficult and confusing, and tedious, and challenging . . . but I am still grateful for them. That work allows me to not use an alarm clock, not put on knee hose or (ugh) pantyhose, and to be here when I am needed by the family. It allows me to wear slippers when I want, take a coffee break when I need one, and still earn enough to put food on the table. I officially thank all of the editors and managers who hired me this year--thanks for taking a risk on me.
4. My location--we love, love, love Portland, Oregon. It is a perfect match up for us. We have been here 11 years now and still mention on a regular basis how much we like it here. We have discussed moving . . . Australia came up a number of times, but large creepy crawlies, a higher cost of living, and the cost of air tickets (plus how DOES one ship 10,000 books?) seems a bit prohibitive. :)
5. My life--whether I am heading down the aisle of a Goodwill, writing a letter to a friend I've never met, working on an imminent deadline, sitting in a new coffee shop reading with my leg thrown across Joseph so we are touching, or immersing myself in research for another book, I know that I am one fortunate lady.
That is something to reflect on often---not just once a year. Now, can I have a piece of pie every time I do?

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