
Monday, July 9, 2012

Motherboard Dies, Panic Ensues

Well, it was quite the weekend! On Thursday night, the computer that I don't use that often but contains 80 percent of all of my documents and current projects crashed. Much cleaning of floor and blowing out of dust followed, but the machine could not be revived. (Since it did not have DNR file on record, we just kept trying . . . )
I realized when geekster Coryn couldn't even get it to respond that the computer was beyond all hope. This meant NO access to most of my files.
This meant PANIC.
I put a call out to the mighty world of Oregon homeschoolers and lo and behold, a wonderful man responded that he knew computers and sure, he would be willing to come to my house over the weekend and take a look in return for "gas money". (Which could be interpreted in Oregon as millions since we were just at $4.29 a gallon a couple of weeks ago.)
He came. He could not revive, but he could still download my files. Bless his soul.
So I am almost back up and running, scrambling to make up for the lost time over the weekend and groveling to editors for a little extra breathing room on deadlines.
I also have told this talented computer man, who also knows Volkswagens, that we plan to adopt him. And yes, I gave him more than just gas money.


Ami said...

Just what did you give him?
'more than gas money' sounds like, hm, code to me.


So glad you were able to be salvaged.

(Yes, salvaged, that L is very important.)

Beck said...

Ha ha ha, too funny Ami.