
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy Birt-Day to Me

Yup, I am 53 today (53 on 5-3 . . . kinda cool). Worked hard all day yesterday so I could take most of today off of work. . . going out for early coffee .  . hitting a couple of Goodwills this afternoon, once Nicole gets off work.
What is about birthdays that makes us reflect on our lives so much? I guess it's due to the in-your-face reminder of time passing, eh?
So at 53, I would look back on life and say . . . I've been very lucky. I had wonderful, loving parents and a fun childhood. I met and married the man I still want to spend my life with. I gave birth to four shining, beautiful, unique children who I love dearly. I found a job that keeps us fed, clothed, and sheltered that I actually enjoy (MOST of the time . . . .bad week to ask). I live in one of the most scenic, accepting, diverse places in the country. I greet almost every day with gratitude (some mornings are a little harder). I have friends that love me and who I love in return. Some I see face to face, and some visit my mailbox on a regular basis.
I guess, if I had to define success, it would include all of these elements that I have found in my 53 years. Not a bad reflection at all.
Happy Birt-day to Me!


Aimee said...

Happy happy birthday!

Aimee said...
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Ami said...

So other than Goodwill and the obligatory birthday sex, what will you be doing?


WritingGoddess said...

Snicker. Not sure . . . hanging with the family, reading Facebook birthday wishes, (already took a nap) and NOT working. Bliss.

Bev said...

Happy Birthday, Sweet Gal! Miss the sound of your laughter. Have a wonderful day!!

Beck said...

A great list of wonderful things to have in your life! Happy Birthday! xo

Vicki said...

Happy Birthday!! May all your birthday wishes come true.


Jean said...

I love your family members' interaction with each other! Is this a too, too sugary comment??